Saturday, 13 July 2013

And, so I rest my case.

I could do in the absence of your sweet grace,
For, what worth is of worth of water to a wilted flower?
Though a surreptitious desire and a denial conflate
And while sulk I a li’l more in my sole crafted melancholy
And to draw onto a mortal close and never dwell upon
This labyrinthine dalliance, this nemesis of a past quantum,
This ineffable propinquity, this serendipity’s wait.

No sir, I yearn for no more than your obsolesce, of being, existence.
For I’ve had it good and, hence I rest my case!  

1 comment:

  1. did you like break up or something? the poetry is moving all right but i sense that u lost something. something that u wanted but now tend to deny you ever wanted...

    ps: i hope i am wrong and ur poetry is making me delusional. xD
