Saturday, 9 February 2013


A symphony in the background
A reminder from the heavens,
‘You asked for intimate moments, here I give!’
A satisfying silence,
The roads often traversed, now defined
With a memory new, a fragrance ingrained
Some words, a chuckle and a naughty mockery
Swept by the tempest of love,
I’m a merry go, you are a drug
One look in the eyes and I’m high as a kite
For today, contemplation I’d do away.
Today, cloudy contingency I’d over look
This day, conflicting controls, I've set free
Another look, I’m canonized
The rustling leaves, the rustic dreams,
A long hoped day, a distant wish met reality
You envelope me, I’m owned and the day seized.
I know not of what tomorrow brings,
Or takes away…
Of what I know, this, you, me, the magic will stay!