Saturday, 25 February 2012

Before she says, 'I do'

With tightened eyelids, up-curled lips
Clutching her best memories of his,
Close to her heart, she slept.
She went back to the day,
He went down on a knee
Announced to her of his stolen heart
The day he held out the diamond solitaire
The day she broke into million tear droplets
The day he promised of happily ever-afters
The day he taught her a life of hope!
Of how, he held onto her in storm and rain
And bled as much, in her pain.

When, her memory took her through
The days of the fresh blooming love,
When, with his Raymond charms,
He had, had her love- struck.
She couldn’t help, but skip a beat
She couldn’t help but fall in love

The nights turned dawn and the seasons changed
But, unchanged it remained…
The love that endured the test of time,
The love that now stood at the doors of divinity
The love- tender and caring marked with infinity
The love that enveloped passion and warmth
The love that ensured trust and forgiveness
The love that promised friendship and honor profound!
And so an abiding affection, that
Most men and woman have spent themselves longing
Such was the kind she was bequeathed with.
She knew she was the luckiest woman alive

Yet another memory of his, flashed by,
A tear of gratitude streamed,
She sniffed silently and let out a sigh!

She thought of him, time and again
A string of reminiscence made a show
Of the man, that awakened a storm,
In the deepest seas of her soul
Of the man, that crossed the threshold,
Like he owned her guarded heart.

She then lay, in the pool of memories
Of the perils they endured hand in hand
It was the night, she cried out loud
The night before she’d say ‘I do’.
She cried her lungs out in merriment
In the celebration of love that had found it’s home
In the prayers that were answered this way
In those of the dreams that affirmed their stay.

The next sunshine, they were bound
To the knot of strength and to the code of loyalty
A promise to keep, even beyond eternity
He vouched to the fire, to be her patron-
In sickness and in health
In distress and in wealth
In good times and in bad
To encompass all life’s sorrows and joys
All hardships and triumphs, and the experiences that lie ahead
To cherish and to respect
To comfort and encourage
To honour her dreams in all aspects

There, she was living a dream,
As he made promises in love
Kept in faith and lived in Hope.
Until death would do them apart!

And hence, it made, the perfect sense to life
As they were pronounced man and wife
There exists a kingdom where happiness reign
And, people say fairytales are few and far between!


  1. I smiled all through. So damn happy reading this... U totally drew dream on paper with the perfect words. I love you baby...

  2. Neha: Eee! Thanks love :* I couldn't do justice to what was in my head though. :|

  3. Brilliant, this one is just awesome.. very nicely written, Hats off Greeshu.. & way 2 go....This one i just luvd it..

  4. Neha: You know I love you right? :*
    Ashok bhaava: Really sweet! :) Thank you so much! :)

  5. Hey awesome lines. First poetry of yours am reading. Amazing hold on d language. Keep up d good work going :-)

  6. This is so happy, beautiful, enchanting and everything *smiles*..
    This one is like a break from the sad and mundane, like the fresh drop of dew! It just freshened me :D Loved loved loved it :*

  7. Naveen: Thank you so much! :) Too kind! :)

    Priyankaaaaaaaa, thank you so much love. And, I love love love you. :*
    SO happy you liked it! <3

  8. bummmerrr!!:D this one is too cute! it makes you cry with happiness:)
    and it definitely highlights how happy and content she is;):)i loved loved it too!<3

  9. Awesome :) I am the kind of person who doesn't even read short messages related to love and relationship, but I read your poem thrice already :)

  10. Before I say, "I Do", I must say, "I read it" on my phone the moment the notification got updated on my phone. I switched on the WiFi and all through when I read, I can't tell you what "I saw it as"... That part of life I'm now leading, a major transition which you all will enter in a couple of years, described every word, of confusion, of love, of mind over matter, of chaotic single foot steps to leave behind to a world of responsibilities, it is different.. "I felt it is different" to be the one to say something you have wanted to say all life and not sure how, not sure why at that precise, may be earlier or may be later, whichever the better.. "I realised it is the same", whichever earlier or later, it is the moment of truth...

    I couldn't find words to write more spontaneously dear Greeshma, but all I could write was the above with every quoted sentence having just one more word than the previous... I have feelings to express but not words, - moment of truth..

    That the poem was just well written is a mere fact that there's more talent in you, but the fact that you write bravely is all that matters :) :)

  11. Bum: Thanks sugar! and, like I said earlier, I love love you! :P :*
    Glad you liked it, after all you're the one to read it raw on my Blackberry! :P

    Prashanth: Thank you so much. It makes me feel really nice that I could bring in that transition for you! Touched! :)

    Jyo: This is the first thing I read this morning. I had to hurry, and my! I had the biggest smile on my face today and all thanks to you! You're one self less being I tell you. And, besides, when these kind words come from someone who is an amazing writer herself, it's a great deal to me!
    And, every time you unfailingly write those sweet, encouraging things, I'm left out of words. You guys keep me going, Really! :)
    -Love much! :)

  12. Greeshu simply super :) :) will talk to you offline about this :)

  13. Sushma akka: Thanks a ton! Sure thing <3

  14. fairy tales are few and far between. for a while i was waiting, something is going to happen. something is going to happen. didn't.

    remarkable what you can capture with but a few words.

  15. Raj: Thaaaaank youuu! This is very special one. It's my cousin's story actually! :)

  16. chalo. cousin ki toh pata chal hi gayi. apni bhi bata dena kabhi :)

    and no wonder, this sounded so much like a fairytale. it was a complete story.
