Friday, 2 December 2011

But what when....?

Break of the dusk, slipping into the moonless darkness
Her eyes bled pain, for she saw no future
Only a melancholic mourning, clutching on to the crushed desires
A disciple of death
An employee of demolished dreams
As a roaring fire on a cold coastal night
Fishing in the troubled waters, what would she possibly grip?
Camouflaged, consumed by the abdication
'They'll heal, soon' she recited to save herself from herself.
Engulfed by a storm, that took her away which spelled no return
She rained of misery, of numbness that bit her veins
Looked around, nothing could she call her own
Suppressed sighs so it touched no ears
Beseeched love, of faith or just any sign viable

Dawn paid a religious return.
She flipped the pillow, on a pursuit to disguise the damp
Wiped off the kohl marks, masked a few nude colours
So, she'd pretend, the pretension- she'd mastered to perfection
To look happy, to look content, perfectly appropriate
For once she’d mute, for another, she’d dim.
Only to bar herself from the injury, the hurt
She knew, she had to dust her back,
For, no one would lend an ear to her reasons:

She got on the toes, with standards to rub shoulders with
Set out, to honour the routine, to serve the life's business
But what when,
The colours fade away?
The fate only brings her back to square one?
The brimmed eyes are to show themselves, up again?
Can the dark sunglasses hide her soul from the rest, from herself?


  1. "She flipped the pillow, on a pursuit to disguise the damp
    Wiped off the kohl marks, masked a few nude colours..."

    *Bows in RESPECT*

    I cried my eyes out while reading this. Have read it thrice already... and I can only say, I so love you for writing this one...! I kinda needed it..!

    Keep it up, my doll.
    You are AWESOME!

  2. Neha: EEee! Really? Really? I'm so glad I could give you this. :) I love love you! <3

    P.S: You're awesomer! <3 *winks* *hugs*

  3. brilliant!!!
    it amazing how talented you are!

  4. Hello.
    Who among us doesn't wear some sort of fake mask?
    This is painfully sad. Your imagery & expressions are extremely vivid.
    Penned beautifully.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks also for visiting & following my blog. I always try to return the kindness & have become your newest follower too. I hope you'll return again soon.

    My latest:
    More Fulfilling With Love

  5. You're a priceless writer baby!! Fill the pages and look for a publisher. Yet again I'm confused what to comment. My senses have taken a toll on what I have read here! Esp when going through it! We all wear facades eve if we do not want to. It's quite a mystery why we do even when we have choices to make. What more, we learn that it is right. And considering women, the bylaws of nature makes us conceive the idea and wear along and show off. Like you say, 'Can the dark sunglasses hide her soul from the rest, from herself?' ....well maybe it does not, maybe it does more. Yet again it's a quest which takes me back one of your previous poems, what happens if we stop or what happens if we don't! :) Keep writing! Fresh and imaginative genre..!

  6. Andy: Too kind! :) Thank you so much! I'm humbled. Greatly! :)

    Jyo: touché! Well said. I just love how you interpret it! :) Thanks so much love :) *hugs* :)

  7. Gree- <3 My interpretations become difficult for me to understand after I write, lol but yeah :) *hugs back* :) :) <3 <3

  8. I did not want this to end but the end justified itself, introspection is what this one called for.. I am pondering still.. this was a very strong piece of emotion and it sure has managed to cause a turmoil within me.. My favorite by you.. *hugs* love you babe!

  9. ur astounding poetic talent never ceases to amaze me...

  10. Jyo: Yes! Been there done that. ;) Can totally understand! :)

    Priyanka: I love you more :* I do not know how to thank you! *hugs* It's only after 'you' view and comment that I think of putting up another post! *hugs* *hugs* *hugs*

    Rahul: Too kind of you to stop by and comment. Means a lot! Thank you so much! :) :)

  11. A wonderful poem...It is odd to say a poem on pain is beautiful, but this one is. I tried to select a favorite passage, but the whole piece is perfection. Thank you for following my blog Confessions of a Laundry Goddess.

  12. Susie: Really sweet of you to stop by! Thank you so much! :) You're a wonderful writer yourself. :)

  13. Ohh then ...that says sooooo much!! It's like I feel we have experienced much the same but just on parallel roads! Maybe for good! :) Maybe we'll meet soon! : )

  14. How many posts have you written? Grr, I'm lagging behind. :(
    Coming to this one, you do it like no one else does- B-ea-utifully!
    ** consumed by the abdication
    Pain is beautiful, and broken hearts- only a reminder of the attempts we made.
    Take a bow, take a bow. You're too good.

  15. Jyo: hahaha! I have to agree! :)

    Crystal: Oh you're amazing! :) Waiting to read more from you! :) Thank you so much. Too kind of you to say that! :) I want you to know your comment is really valuable to me <3

  16. Keseven: Thank you so much! Thanks again for stopping by! Really sweet :)

  17. so she waits,
    till reason tags along
    for someone to walk with her
    from dusk to dawn

    but till it does
    a mask she adorns
    for the world doesn't deserve
    anything but a frown

    waa.. :S i suck real bad dont i?

    anyway. you got me poetic. and i don't do poetry. pat yourself on the back lady!

  18. Raj: That's brilliant. Why would you say that? :)
    (pats her back :P)
    At the lines, I wondering, why dint I think of that? Hahaha :D

    1. because it takes being broken to be healed again. and i am hoping, its because the former hasn't happened to you :)
